Have a Twitter Account? Live in/near or visit LA, California often? Have dreams of becoming a Big Star in Tinseltown? Here are somewhere between 5 and 50 Twitter accounts you should be following.

Have a suggestion to add to the list, DM on Twitter @blobblobnews.

LA Podcast

About: The LA Podcast is a weekly news and politics focused on Los Angeles, California. It is hosted by Hayes Davenport + Alissa Walker + Scott Frazier. https://thelapod.com/

Every Lot LA

About: See every parcel in Los Angeles, in tax ID order. Each tweet has the image of the lot and the address.

NWS Los Angeles

About: Get up to date weather updates from the National Weather Service for Los Angeles. Heat, Droughts, Rain, Fires, Mudslides…The NWS has you covered.

People’s City Council – Los Angeles

About: People’s City Council is a activist org that focuses on making sure elected officials in LA are held accountable and hear the concerns of the people. https://www.peoplescitycouncil-la.com

Democratic Socialist of America – Los Angeles

About: This is the Los Angeles chapter of The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). The DSA is the United States largest socialist organizations. They fight for enivornmental justice, housing rights, labor rights, and more. https://dsa-la.org/