Set it, and forget it! That’s what I say when I sign up for an incredibly niche subscription box on Amazon.com for $47 per month.
Get one for yourself!
Or these could also be a fun monthly gift for the holidays coming up. You know ’em and you love ’em: Christmas. Xmas. Hanukkah. Winter Solstice. St. Nicholas Day. Kwanzaa. New Year. And uhhhhh, the rest.
Tokyo Treat – Yum! Brands!*
*Not Affiliated with Yum! Brands, Inc.
About: Did you know they have weird flavored KitKats in Japan? Matcha, Sparkling Strawberry, and Soy Sauce!?. Crazy, right? You may get one in your first Tokyo Treat Subscription box which includes candies, ramens, snacks, soft drinks and more(!) from Japan.

Check it out and subscribe here: https://amzn.to/3r1vGvt
Bark Box – Where my Dog Heads at? Woof. Woof.
About: Small dog? M e d i u m Dog? L A R G E dog? They have a Bark Box for any sized dog. Treats and toys and chews and probably more treats and probably more toys. If your dog doesn’t get excited enough when you get a package at your house, just imagine how excited it will get when it starts to hope that ever package is a Bark Box.

Check it out and subscribe here: https://amzn.to/3R5Y7TD
Kit Nip Box – For all your Crazy Cat Lady* needs.
*We here at blobblob do not agree with nor endorse the stereotype of “Crazy” Cat Ladies. We love all Cats and all Ladies.
About: One cat? Six Cats? Kit Nip Box has you covered with their single or multi-cat boxes. Get monthly treats and toys for your little devils. Some of the proceeds are said to go to shelters as well.

Check it out and subscribe here: https://amzn.to/44B6VnF
Battl Box – This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a Monthly Box.
About: How you know if you or someone you know should get this monthly Battl Box-
- You post and comment on the Subreddit r/EDC (Every Day Carry)
- You need one (1) new knife every month (KOTM).
- The price of the box does not matter to you because by the 8th box you receive, the global financial system will have completely collapsed.
- You think those aliens in Mexico were real.
- You think Joe Biden will have you assassinated for your posts.

Check it out and subscribe here: https://amzn.to/3Pq4P5P
The Comic Garage – Remember when Nerds weren’t cool? We used to be a proper country.
About: You can receive either 10 or 24 new comics a month, And can customize your boxes by choosing the superheros you like and your Rating Level (A, T+, T, PG, E).
A great gift for a comic loving nerd. 🙂 (nerds is cool now)

Check it out and subscribe here: https://amzn.to/45yl0Dv