Boo. That scare ya? If not, try one of these films below.
* Horror Movies to watch on Tubi October 2023 *
* Horror Movies to watch on Freevee October 2023 *
*9 New Movies to watch on Amazon Prime November 2023*
Piranha (1978)
About: This is one of my favorite 80s B-movies that actually came out in the 70s. Bad acting, campy (pun!), and fun (rhyme!). Don’t be deceived by the remake with the same name. Although, if you get the chance to watch the post 2000 remakes, including 3D (2010) and 3DD (2012), watch those. They are silly fun, and boob-filled.

Deep Blue Sea (1999)
About: An iconic ’99 shark movie. Stacked cast. Fun and funny. A LL Cool J rap to start the credits. Sharks!! This movie has it all. It’s one of those movies where every time I’m at a place that has cable and this is playing on like VH1 or TNT or FXM, you know I’m watching it.

Saw Movies (2004)
About: Prime currently has all(?), or at least most of the Saw movies. If you like little clown guys riding around on a tricycle who also kills and maims people. I honestly don’t think I’ve seen more than Saw I and Saw II. These are the type of horror I actually get scared during. There are freaks out there that are smart and have lots of money and if they wanted they could kidnap and torture me. No thanks!

Hellraiser (1987)
About: I wrote about Hellraiser on 9 Horror Movies To Watch On Tubi. A short “about” if you don’t want to click there: Hellraiser Movies Rock.

Old (2021)
About: This movie came out 2 years ago. Feel Old Yet?

Knock at the Cabin (2023)
About: I haven’t watched this yet, but plan to very soon. Maybe tomorrow. Check back when I update this once I’ve watched it.

M3GAN (Unrated)(2022)
About: Just a really fun and really dumb movie. Be sure you watch it with a girl you sort of like, but aren’t really sure, who likes your attention when she wants it, but is not interested in anything past that. Uhhhh M3GAN much???

Smile (2022)
About: Honestly the Smile is too scary. I haven’t seen this movie. I assume it’s terrifying. I will never watch this by myself.

Bonus Movies:
- The Exorcist 3 (1990)
- NOPE (2022)
- Sleepaway Camp 2: Unhappy Campers (1988)
- Constantine (2005)
- Children Of The Corn (1984)
See these and more here on Amazon Prime!
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