Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4
Season 5 | Season 6 | Season 7 | Movies
S02E01, “American Duos”:
Gus TT Showbizz
“I’m Shawn Spence Starr, this is my partner, Gus TT Showbizz.” – Shawn Spence Starr, 9:50 (“The extra T is for extra talent”)
S02E02, “65 Million Years Off”:
The Lock Whisperer
“What are you, The Lock Whisperer?” – Shawn, 16:15
S02E03, “Psy vs Psy”:
Kevin Eubanks
“This must be what Jay Leno feels like when he walks into his garage. Which makes you Kevin Eubanks.” – Shawn, 14:30
Kevin Eubanks on Wikipedia, Zen Food by Kevin Eubanks
S02E04, “Zero to Murder in Sixty Seconds”:
Ovaltine Jenkins
“Johnny G., How are ya?… This is my friend, Ovaltine Jenkins.” – Shawn, 21:15
Ovaltine on Wikipedia, Get Ovaltine on Amazon.com
S02E05, “And Down the Stretch Comes Murder”:
Burton “Oil Can” Guster
“[I’m] Shawn. This is Burton ‘Oil Can’ Guster.” – Shawn, 9:50
Dr. Pratt
“Thank you, Dr. Pratt. See if we can get another look at that body.” – Shawn, 13:15
The G
“Face it Shawn, I am, and always will be, that good. That’s why my friends in school used to call me The G” – Burton Guster, 40:50
Big Head Burton
“Huh, that’s funny, I thought they called you Big Head Burton.” – Shawn, 41:00
Black Burton
“Who’s gonna call you Black Burton?” – Shawn, 41:20
Burton The Billowy Bear
“How about Burton The Billowy Bear?” – Shawn, 41:35
S02E06, “Meat is Murder, But Murder Is Also Murder”:
Magic Head
“Gus, might I offer my help…Magic Head.” – Shawn , 37:00
S02E07, “If You’re So Smart, Then Why Are You Dead”:
S02E08, “Rob-a-Bye Baby”:
Shmuel Coen
This is Shmuel Coen, he’s my best friend and Godfather to my little Millicent.” – Shawn, 33:30
S02E09, “Bounty Hunters!”:
Galielo Humpkins
“What is everybody’s deal? Like, what is going on here? Is it because I’m not wearing the vest? Is that what it is? You know what, the truth is I’m a psychic detective, this is my partner, Galielo Humpkins.” – Shawn, 11:50
S02E10, “Gus’s Dad May Have Killed an Old Guy”:
Skooney “U-turn” Singleton
“My name’s Shawn, this is my partner, Skooney ‘U-turn’ Singleton. We’re from Dirty Boy Landscaping.” – Shawn, 21:30
S02E11, “There’s Something About Mira”:
S02E12, “The Old and the Restless”:
“Hello, I am Dr. Hauser. I’m filling in today. This is my personal candy striper, Knic-Knac. He’s from Guam.” – Shawn, 20:40
“Knic-Knac, get ahold of yourself, or I’ll put you on the first raft back to Talofofo. Oh! God, that looks like roadkill.” Shawn, 21:00
S02E13, “Lights, Camera… Homicidio”:
Lavender Gooms
“Spencer. Shawn Spencer. This is my partner, Lavender Gooms. We’re here with the police investigating the Nunez case.” – Shawn, 7:40
S02E14, “Dis-Lodged”:
Doctor Guster
“Oh, you might not want to do that. Doctor Guster just inseminated an Appaloosa. All the way up to the elbow.” – Shawn, 3:00
“You’re 36 months into a subscription for Modern Safe Cracker Magazine, what’s the point?” – Shawn, “I’m an amateur, Shawn.” – Gus, “Well, It’s time to go pro, Fingers.” -Shawn, “Fingers?” – Gus, “Twist it up.” – Shawn, 29:45
S02E15, “Black and Tan: A Crime of Fashion”:
“No first names. One of us is Black, and one of us is Tan. We’re a modeling team, perhaps you’ve heard of us.” – Shawn, 1:45
“You’re not a model?” – Model woman, “I’m only a detective part time and my full name is Tangus” – Burton Guster, 37:00
S02E16, “Shawn (and Gus) of the Dead”:
Bruton Gaster
That says “Photo by Bruton Gaster.” – Burton Guster, 11:30
Paddy Simcox
“My name is Shawn Spencer, I’m working with Sophie and the museum. This is my partner, Paddy Simcox.” – Shawn, 28:50