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S03E01, “Ghosts”:
Fearless Guster
“Haversham thinks my nickname is Fearless Guster.” – Burton Guster, 14:00
Lemongrass Gogoloab
“Hadewych! It’s okay, I’m…I’m Shawn Spencer, it’s me and this is my partner, Lemongrass Gogoloab.” – Shawn, 25:20
S03E02, “Murder?… Anyone?… Anyone?… Bueller?”:
S03E03, “Daredevils!”:
“Actually, I’m Die-Hard. He’s Die-Harder. We have two other guys in our crew, but they aren’t nearly as good as us.” – Shawn, 9:10
Die Hard on Wikipedia
Squirts Macintosh
“Yo, El Diablo! What’s up, man? [I’m] Shawn Spencer, this is my partner, Squirts Macintosh. Just have a couple sort of serious questions for you.” – Shawn, 15:10
S03E04, “The Greatest Adventure in the History of Basic Cable”:
Ernesto Agapito Garces con y a de Abelar
“I am Abner Espinoza and these are my compatriots, Ernesto Agapito Garces con y a de Abelar and Juan Priestly.” – Uncle Jack, 12:00
“As long as I can be Dean and Gus can be Sammy.” – Shawn, 16:00
Joey Bishop
“Fine, he’s Sammy. That makes you Joey Bishop. Is that what you really want? You want to be Joey Bishop?” – Shawn, 16:00
Joey Bishop on Wikipedia
Home Skillet
Big Baby Burton
“So that’s why I called Andres, Che, to see if he’d react, which he did, because in Argentina, ‘Che’ is slang for buddy or pal, sort of like I call you Blackstar or Home Skillet or Big Baby Burton.” -Shawn, 38:15
S03E05, “Disco Didn’t Die. It was Murdered!”:
Methuselah Honeysuckle
“Yeah, yeah, that’s his Partner, Methuselah Honeysuckle, which makes me Old Scratch Johnson.” – Henry Spencer, 7:50
S03E06, “There Might Be Blood”:
Chesterfield McMillan & Wife
“The truth, Billy Joe, is that we have not been completely honest with you. We’re working for the Coast Guard. My name is Shawn Spencer, this is my partner, Chesterfield McMillan & Wife.” – Shawn, 11:20
McMillian & Wife on Wikipedia
S03E07, “Talk Derby To Me”:
Longbranch Pennywhistle
“ManiacManiac19, President Pro-tem, Maniac Fan Club. This is my Vice President Longbranch Pennywhistle.” – Shawn, 13:00
S03E08, “Gus Walks Into a Bank”:
Mr. Tibbs
“But look at you, man. Surviving a bank hostage crisis and still looking all Poitier on a hot day. Go ahead, slap me in the face, tell me they call you Mr. Tibbs” – Shawn, 39:00
S03E09, “Christmas Joy”:
Scrooge Jones
“I’m Mr. Shawn and this is Scrooge Jones. We’re psychic detectives. Who might you be?” – Shawn, 2:00
S03E10, “Six Feet Under the Sea”:
Hummingbird Saltalamaccia
“Ahoy there! uh, yes, right! Uh, my name is Shawn Spencer, this is my first mate Hummingbird Saltalamaccia.” – Shawn, 23:30
S03E11, “Lassie Did a Bad, Bad Thing”:
S03E12, “Earth, Wind and… Wait for It”:
William Zabka
“Gus, don’t be William Zabka from ‘Back to School’. We need to get in with the firemen who put out the fire. Shotgun on fire pole.” – Shawn, 9:30
William Zabka on Wikipedia
Step Anthony Wally Ali
“Shawn Spencer, hunting an arsonist. Step Anthony Wally Ali. Cat stuck in a tree.” – Shawn, 10:10
S03E13, “Any Given Friday Night at 10pm, 9pm Central”:
Taye Diggs
“Benji, the locker room attendant let us in. Big fan of Rent. [I] told him Gus was Taye Diggs so he also gave us these old jerseys. How do I look, Jules?” – Shawn, 11:00
Taye Diggs on Wikipedia
DeQuan ‘Smallpox’ Randolph
“No, it’s because I was observing. My name is Shawn Spencer. I’m a psychic that works for the SBPD. This is my partner, DeQuan ‘Smallpox’ Randolph. You can call him Gus.” – Shawn, 12:30
S03E14, “Truer Lies”:
Hollaback Atcha
“My name is Shawn Spencer, I’m with the Big Uncles of America Program. This is my underprivileged mentee, Hollaback Atcha. He’s selling magazine subscriptions as a way to learn business skills otherwise he’d be forced to join a gang, if he was still on the streets.” – Shawn, 14:20
S03E15, “Tuesday the 17th”:
“Uh, my name is Shawn Spencer. I’m a psychic. This is my partner, Lumpkin…”- Shawn, “My name is Gus, but you can call me Slicks.” – Burton Guster, 10:30
Fearless Guster
“It’ll be okay Sissy, I’m sure there’s a perfectly logical explanation for all of this…Don’t worry, they call me Fearless Guster.” – Shawn, 15:45
S03E16, “An Evening with Mr. Yang”:
Trapeezius Milkington
“As a matter of fact, you can. My partner, Trapeezius Milkington, would like to see something in a Belgian Waffle.” – Shawn, 0:00
Sterling Cooper
“Yeah, well I’ve Googled myself too, and there is a lot of stuff missing. This is my partner, Sterling Cooper.” – Shawn, 5:15