If you think about it Jeff Bezos is sort of like Santa Claus. Dictatorial leader bringing gifts to all the good (and bad) boys and girls, taking all the credit (and profit) while his minions do all the work and suffer for it, for minimal pay.
Well check out some of the Christmas movies Daddy Santa Bezos has on his Amazon Prime.
Love Actually (2003)
Feels like this is everyone’s problematic fav. It certainly is mine. Truly a feat of British Film making.

The Holdovers (2023)
I slept on this movie originally and even after my first viewing felt pretty meh on it. It’s a formulaic Old Guy/Young Guy fix each other through conflict and then eventual love and admiration. A story told a thousand times. On my rewatch this year, as I spent Thanksgiving alone, I looked passed the Giamatti Eye and enjoyed the ride. A touching movie about where we find love and home.

The Holiday (2006)
In my top three Rom Coms. Marry me Kate Winslet. I’m not that far off from Jack Black, looks-wise, but with significantly less drive or success. I think you could fix me tho.
Oh right, The Holiday. Fun movie. If anyone wants to do the place swap with me in Chicago let me know. Any large city with robust public transportation and is walkable, I’m down.

White Christmas (1954)
Young me thought I was too good for old timey sing song movies. How young, dumb, and full of…wait what am I talking about. Oh, right, White Christmas. It’s fun! Snoooooow. Snoooow. SNOOOOW.

Die Hard (1988)
An incredible work of art. The whole “Die Hard is a Christmas movie” is now cringe (my mom said it last year), but whatever excuse you need to use to watch one of the best action movies ever made, go for it.

And here are some bonus Christmas movies that I don’t have a lot to say about. Also availabe on Amazon Prime at the time of publishing this.