Hey hey it’s Tubi Time. A lot of good new adds recently, check them all out here: https://tubitv.com/category/recently_added

Below are some of the films that I have seen and liked/loved.

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Predator (1987)

Genre: Bad Ass

About: Ripped Bros Greeting Each Other Meme aside, Predator is an S-Tier action movie. If you have never seen, X out of this site immediately and put it on. Actually just buy it on Blu-ray instead.

Also, check out this 3 hour podcast episode about Predator, from Blank Check With Griffin and David.

Links: Watch on Tubi

Malignant (2021)

Genre: Silly Fun Horror

About: I can’t stop looking at the poster. I know it’s small, but look at it. Beautiful. I recently saw people razzing on this movie on Bluesky but in a fun/supportive way. If you like horror movies and you haven’t yet watched this, you gotta. You gotta watch Malignant.

Links: Watch on Tubi

malignant movie poster

Ford v Ferrari (2019)

Genre: Sports

About: There is something about movies where Dudes Are Getting Things Done that I can’t get enough. And as much as I dislike American Car Culture, this is a well paced, and action filled movie with Men Being Men. Remember when Dudes were Men?

Links: Watch on Tubi

Skyscraper (2018)

Genre: Disaster Porn

About: Skyscraper didn’t make my Top Disaster Porn movies, but that doesn’t mean this non-sense idea of a movie isn’t semi-entertaining. Need to turn your mind (and heart?) off? Skyscraper is the movie for you.

Links: Watch on Tubi

Paddington (2015)

Genre: Family Fun

About: A little British Bear wearing a little coat and a little hat, and doing little British Bear things in London? Your kids are going to love it. You’re going to love it. Cozy up with blankets and popcorn and have a nice family evening in. 🙂

Links: Watch on Tubi