OPAD #11 – Feb 13, 2024
Is there anything sexier than a news person breaking a story? Probably. But watch these movies anyway.
All The President’s Men (1976)
About: Robert Redford dialing a rotary phone, with that hair and tie, exhausted, chasing the story…has cinema ever been so thrilling? And hot?
Links: Watch on Amazon Prime

Network (1976)
About: I’m mad as hell (that you are not watching these 5 Newsroom Thrillers!) and I’m not going to take it anymore! (actually, that’s fine. please keep reading, and watch one of these great flicks).
Links: Buy on Amazon Prime

Spotlight (2015)
About: I could watch 7 hours of this movie. In fact, I have attempted to simulate this by watching this movie (129min) 3 times in a row. I gave up 1.4x in. Will try again.
Cast is stacked. It’s infuriating. No real justice, but maybe sort of?
Links: Buy on Amazon Prime

Zodiac (2007)
About: This Fincher Flick might not *seem* like it would be a Newsroom Thriller, but it does the impossible: makes a nerdy, divorced, cartoonist seem interesting and cool(??).
Oh also they try to solve some Serial Killer case, I guess? I was too busy hanging with Robert (Downey Jr.) and Jake (Gyllenhaal) in The San Francisco Chronicle Pit.
Links: Buy on Amazon Prime