Every year Ben & Jerry’s puts out their top flavors of the year based on sales. You can see that list here: https://www.benjerry.com/whats-new/2023/12/top-flavors-2023. But America is wrong. These are actually the best flavors ranked, by me, Mike.
See my rankings 1-10 below, with the top flavor sold from the Ben & Jerry’s list in ().
1. Americone Dream (Stephen Colbert’s) (8)
The Best! The Caramel swirl. Oh! The chocolate covered waffle cone. OH BABY. This is my go-to flavor in my once-per-month pint of Ben and Jerry’s.
2. Chocolate Fudge Brownie (5)
So chocolatey but oh so good. This one I can take in only short bursts, which is good because it slows down my consumption of it!
3. Half Baked (1)
Would definitely be ranked 2, maybe even 1, if it weren’t for those damn “cookie dough” chunks. nasty!
4. The Tonight Dough (Jimmy Fallon) (6)
Would be one higher if it wasn’t for Jimmy Fallon’s goofy face and name on the pint.
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5. Phish Food (7)
This flavor is grooooooovy, man. π
6. Milk & Cookies (10)
How have I never actually had this flavor before?! Cookie chunks (two kinds) sounds so much better than awful “cookie dough”.
7. Strawberry Cheesecake (4)
I have not yet had this flavor, but cheesecake (in moderation) is a top tier pie/cake and strawberry is a top tier berry (in all amounts), so I’m excited to give it a try this year.
8. Cherry Garcia (2)
Not a cherry fan (flavor is usually good) so sadly putting this near the bottom.
9. Chunky Monkey (9)
As an on-off banana lover, I’d love to love this super fun-ly named B&J flavor but I loathe walnuts. NO THANKS.
10. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (3)
Cookie dough in ice cream is disgusting. What an awful, malting texture. You all need to Find God.
I should try liking more things, huh?