Twenty Twenty-Three (2023). What a year. We made it, gang.
I’m bad at “Best” lists. Too dumb. But I do get “obsessed” with things and will spend a night watching a Youtuber’s backlog, or binging a TV show until 3am, or actually read a twice a week newsletter, or finish a 1,000 piece puzzle in 4 hours.
Here are those obsessions. Join me in enjoying these.
Youtube Channels
[News] The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder
About: Currently one of my main resources for better understanding the politics and media of today. They do live shows that last 2-3 hours Monday through Friday, and then also share shorter clips from the show on Youtube. Watch them roast Tim Pool, walk through a recent Google Antitrust case, and laugh at the ever laughable: Ron DeSantis.
[Culture/Architecture] Kendra Gaylord
About: Kendra’s videos are a very recent find, and I’ve nearly watched all of her videos already. Soothing voice, good jokes, and I love to learn about the built environments we live in (towns and homes). Check out her video on the 151 Architectural Digest videos she watched.
[Culture/Tech/Communities] Folding Ideas
About: Do you have three hours to watch one of the better cultural criticism you’ll watch all year? Of course you do. Flat Earthers. NFTs/Crypto. I gave you all the clues Mr. Policeman.
[Weather] Ryan Hall, Ya’ll

About: I love the weather. Ryan’s videos got me into the world of Amateur Meteorologists on Youtube. (See my list here!: 6 Amateur Meteorologists To Follow On Youtube). Weekly weather updates, live streams during severe weather, and more!
[Environment/Climate] Climate Town
About: Want to laugh while you are crying and in a state of existential dread while thinking about earth’s climate? Climate Town is the place for you. Parking. Dress Like Sexy Idiots. Food Waste.
[Cities/Urban Design/Transportation] City Nerd
About: City Nerd visits cities and reviews how you move through them. And also does lists of cities based on how livable, walkable, affordable, etc. they are. Check them out!
[Living] Exploring Alternatives

About: I love seeing little tiny homes, “hippies” building sustainable homes, and the like. More people should live these ways.
[Tech] Tech Won’t Save Us
About: Want a look into the Tech industry from people with actual souls? Start listening to Tech Won’t Save Us today! https://www.techwontsave.us
[Horror Movies] With Gourley and Rust
About: I can listen to Matt Gourley and Paul Rust talk about anything for 60 to 180 minutes, but I’m glad they decided on Thriller/Horror movies that are typically “cozy”. It has helped me get into these movies more, which has been fun to listen along when I have easy access to one of the films via streaming. https://shows.acast.com/with-gourley-and-rust
[Climate] Climate Denier’s Handbook
About: What lies do Climate Deniers use to push their bullshit, and how can we counteract those points? Climate Denier’s Handbook is here to help. Listen on Youtube or find links to your podcast player of choice: https://www.youtube.com/@DeniersPlaybook
Bonus: Blank Check
[Photography] Oliver Leach (@bakoon)
About: Oliver’s photo based art is some of the most interesting and accessible art I’ve come across the last few years. He does sales every month or two (or three?) through his own website, doing 1 of 1 prints, starting as low as $200. I was lucky enough to get one a couple of years ago, and check out his new work each time he emails the new link/password. Follow him on Bluesky to get on the list. https://bsky.app/profile/bakoon.bsky.social
[Painting] Kelly Einbinder (@keinbinder)
About: Kelly is an Instagram friend whose art I am in awe of every time she shares anything new. It has it all: animals, chaos, violence, dreams, and color. Follow them on Instagram and consider supporting their work. https://www.instagram.com/keinbinder
[Painting] Andrew Pope (@andrewppope)
About: Another long-time Twitter/Instagram friend who looks to have been spending quite a bit of time in the studio this year. I can’t wear my T-shirt based on one of his paintings out of the house without getting a compliment on it. Give him a follow on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/andrewppope
[Knitting] Kendall Ross (@id.knit.that)
About: As I get more and more into textile based art, I’m finding new gems constantly. Kendall Ross’s knitted sweaters with poems (for lack of better term) on them, are colorful and fun. Also parrot some of my own insecurities about my own art. Follow on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/id.knit.that
Bonus: @erinmriley
I would have more in this section but I can no longer promote anything on Substack given they are wholeheartedly allowing Nazis on their site.
[Chicago] Block Club Chicago
As a newish (15 months) resident of Chicago, I decided I should start becoming part of the city and part of that is more than just taking shots of Malort. Block Club Chicago has been vital for staying up to date with things such as elections, migrants being bussed in from Texas, and openings and closings of resturants/cafes in my neighborhood. https://blockclubchicago.org/
[Social Media] Bluesky
Bluesky has been a good replacement for Twitter, although I had a good 4 months between quitting Twitter for good, and getting in to Bluesky, and using neither was a much better existence. Why then am I on Bluesky? Leave me alone. https://bsky.app/profile/mikeeschmee.com
[Sports] ESPN Chicago Cubs Page
I decided to get into the Cubs a third of the way through last season, and when I couldn’t catch an illegal stream, or get myself over to the stadium for a cheap ticket, I’d watch the play by play stream on the ESPN website. https://www.espn.com/mlb/team/_/name/chc/chicago-cubs
Movies and Films
[Disaster Porn] The Day After Tomorrow
Anyone else that works from home put on movies they have seen fifty (50) times on while they work? This is one for me. Maybe my most rewatched Disaster Porn movie.

[Political/Newsroom/Lawyer Thrillers] All The President’s Men/Three Days of The Condor/The Firm
Making copies. Making phone calls. Figuring out why people also in the CIA want to kill you. Movies! I couldn’t get enough of these three films this year. Probably watched each at least 3x each. With leads like Dustin Hoffman, Paul Newman, and Tom Cruise, it was hard not to, hubba hubba.

Bonus: The Ring, Arrival
Television (My Stories)
[Star Wars] Andor
The best Star Wars TV Show, based on a character from the best Star Wars Movie. Andor follows Cassian Andor as he is thrust into the early Rebellion. It includes a group of rag-tag weirdos, all very well cast. They infiltrate and sabotage against the forming/growing Empire. If only there was a modern day need/allegory for what happens in the show. The prison episode is especially good. Watch on Disney+.
[Irreverent] How To With John Wilson
Inexplicably the show that confronts what it means to be a human (especially in the Unite States/New York City) better than maybe any show ever. Please watch it on HBO Max/MAX.
[British] TaskMaster
The Brits: is there anything they can’t say that you have to rewind and turn up the volume to understand what the fuck they are saying? Taskmaster is a very fun comedian/game show, with 15+ series at this point, a lot of them free on Youtube (access to them in Plex with no commercials and the swears, is more ideal however). https://www.youtube.com/taskmaster
[Dad Show] Bosch
The ultimate Copaganda. Cop who kills a lot of people: good. The “real bad cops” are caught by the good cop who is still killing a lot of people. Etc. You get it. You gotta love the “L.A. is a character in the show” aspect though. My one complaint: Bosch doesn’t fuck enough. On Amazon Prime.
Bonus: Joe Pera, Mad Men,
[Crossword] Daily Mini, The New York Times
What’s better than a crossword when you are dumb? A small crossword that is easy. A fun way to spend a minute on the toilet each morning as I try to beat my 17 second record. https://www.nytimes.com/crosswords/game/mini
[Other] Connections, The New York Times
A puzzle game I can win 90% of the time, is a puzzle game I like. Free via the New York Times Games website or app. https://www.nytimes.com/games/connections
[Jigsaw] Wassily Kandinsky Dominant Curb Puzzle 1,000 Pieces
I have done this puzzle about 6 times this year. I can do in roughly 4 hours (while watching TV shows and drinking). It’s a rare puzzle where I do not do the edge first because at this point I know where almost any piece I see (other than some of those white/tan ones) more or less exactly they go.

[Card] Nine Card Golf/Nines/Crazy Nines
This has become the game of choice for my family when it’s game time. With it’s few and simple rules, it makes it easy for my ADHD/bad memory/aging family.