As this site *pivots* to video — wait, we mean secret left-leaning SEO content farm (*more on that below) — we’re working on putting together lists for any medium to large cities of Twitter and Instagram accounts to follow. Each list will contain the city’s DSA account, other left-leaning activist orgs, transit advocacy accounts, funny accounts, art accounts, local journalists who mostly cover local politics from a leftist perspective, etc.

However we’ve only lived in three cities (all of them called “The Big Apple” by the locals, oddly enough)(and even those we’re open to suggestions), so we could you use your help! Please DM us or email (blobblobnews at gm ail) your suggestions. What info we’d need: link to the account, and if you’d like, an About sentence. We’ll handle everything else. We’ll even shout you at at the top with something like “with help from @yourathere and @thisatalsothatalsohelped”. 

Example accounts from cities: 

Chicago Brick Account 

Metro Times (Detroit Alt Weekly) 

LA Podcast 

People’s City Council – Los Angeles

Competent Mayor Bill de Blasio (I’m guessing…hoping it will continue with new NYC Mayor)

*After a decent amount of success with this post “6 Politics Streams To Watch On Twitch” we want to expand on this *stealth* idea to get people to watch/read/engage/and so on with more left leaning accounts. The hope is it’s getting “moderates” and worse to check out these accounts which are largely left leaning…unkowningly. It gets a couple hundred people a month, clicking about 50 total links on that page. Not huge numbers but not nothing. And expanding this idea to other sorts of lists can only increase these numbers overall and for that post specifically.