How many streaming services are you paying for? How much a month do they add up to?
And that likely doesn’t even include what you are paying for high-speed internet! And commercials now too! Boo! They have fully Cable-ized streaming services.
It sucks and you likely are paying for some you aren’t even using, or if you are, maybe just few times a year when a new season of a good show comes out every 1 to 2 years.
Here’s my trick to minimize the money you are giving to these ghouls.
Quick note before we get into the step by step guide: Some of these platforms/services have yearly options, and these can have discounts compared to paying by month. If you know it’s a platform you use frequently, it may be better option to go the yearly route.
Step 1: Unsubscribe from every service with a monthly fee.
Spotify. Washington Post. Netflix. HBO Max. Uber Gold. Tinder. ESPN+. Disney+. Every Patreon. Everything.
You want to start with a clean slate. Go through all of your cards/accounts/etc. and make a list of the monthly payments that are coming through for these different services. Then spend the 20 to 60 to 120 minutes going through, logging in, and unsubscribing/cancelling future payments.
Step 2: Take Notes On All The Services
From the list you made above make notes of their monthly cost (or discounts for yearly), and realistically how much you enjoy/need them. Is it a “must have”? Did you forget you even had been paying for it? Do others use your login info? etc.
Step 3: Think of how you can substitute some of these services.
Can you share logins with others? Have you been looking for motivation to start reading again? Maybe do a daily walk? Start-up that COVID hobby again that fell off?
Do you have a local library you can easily use? You can borrow not only books, but DVDs/Blu-Rays! Some will even have free streaming services you can get access to, such as Hoopla or Kanopy.
Step 4: As you need, start resubscribing to the services when you need them
Absolutely can’t make it without your nightly, 17th time through rewatch of F.R.I.E.N.D.S? Go for it girl.
Commute and need your pocasts ad-free, or just want to support them because they make 45 minutes each morning bearable? Right on. Slap that Join button on Patreon.
You’ll notice you will not immediately resubscribe to everything. But you’ll slowly build at least some of your previous subscriptions.
Step 5: As soon as you resubscribe to a service, UNSUBSCRIBE
This is a crucial step. Your subscription will last for the month, and then next month you repeat Step 4. There could be some services you subscribe to immediately, some you wait a month or two, or some you never subscribe to again!
Using this method I’ve successfully cut back my monthly subscriptions by ~75%, and I’m doing just fine (arguable, mike). Give it a try. Save some money. Touch some grass. Read some books.
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